When to travel to Iran?
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Determining the best time to travel to Iran depends on very personal and local factors. For example, some people prefer to travel to Iran when the weather is not hot or too crowded, and some prefer to travel to Iran. Traditional and local events.

All seasons have their own attractions. Thanks to the geographical diversity, you can experience all kinds of climates in every season in Iran.

March, April, and May or June, July, or August? 

These months( March, April, and May) are in the peak season of the year. Persian New Year starts on March 21st or 22nd based on the leap year. There are many travelers not just from Iran but also from all over the world who are eager to see Persian ceremonies and the like.

For those who like to have a more relaxing time and to stay in cozy places, we do not suggest this time, especially at the beginning of the new year. For those who would prefer to see more people and crowded places, this is the best time of the year, BUT they need to be more flexible with the hotels and rooms. As it is the peak season, many hotels are already booked, so that is why we need our clients either to be more flexible or to confirm the tour sooner so that we can book the rooms they have asked for. 

Another thing is the rate increase which could be up to 25% each year. So those tourists who would like to see Iran in Persian New Year and after should consider this issue, too. 

Some tourists think that the rate increase covers just March and April, but it is not true. The rate increase goes on till the next high season in September, but it does not go up or down. 

Again because of the peak season, hotels change all single rooms to double or twin rooms because they have a lot of requests and they try to use as much space as possible. So if you are a solo traveler, you will be accommodated in a double room and will pay for a double room as potentially there is no single room possible. 

For those who seek a more affordable fee, quiet sights, more relaxing time, and less hustle and bustle visits, we do recommend June, July, and August. As they are in the low season, we can have special offers for them of the same quality. 


Max C Min C Max F Min F Humidity % am Humidity % pm mm
January 8 -1 40 30 77 75 46
February 10 0 50 32 73 59 38
March 15 4 59 39 61 39 46
April 21 9 69 48 54 40 36
May 28 14 82 57 55 47 13
June 34 19 93 66 50 49 3
July 36 23 96 73 51 41 3
August 36 22 96 71 47 46 3
September 32 18 89 64 49 49 3
October 24 12 75 53 53 54 8
November 17 6 62 42 62 66 20
December 11 1 51 33 76 75 31

Considering the vast territory of Iran, there are different regions at different times in a given time. The climate can be according to where you are. Wet, dry, warm, or cold.

July is the hottest month in Iran. In winter, it is also possible to see significant snowfall in certain areas. Due to the summer heat and the weather, the cold and often cold winter, spring and autumn are very short seasons in Iran. While the summer is usually warm, but the winter temperatures, especially in the mountains, are often below zero.

In the coastal areas of the Caspian Sea, the climate is moderate and humid. The southern and Gulf regions are always warmer than the center of Iran, but with more pleasant winters. Northwest Iran is about 10 to 15 degrees cooler than other parts of Iran.

Due to this climate variation, one can enjoy swimming in the warm waters of the Persian Gulf while enjoying winter sports.


In general, spring and autumn are the best time to visit Iran, although the weather may be slightly driven by winter cold or summer heat. The most accurate time from mid-April to early June and late September-early November is You can also experience charming weather during the months of January and February in the Gulf.

These months are the best time for tourism. In other months of the year, in some areas, there will be very cold or very hot air for those who are not familiar with such widespread weather conditions.

If you want to ski, you have to plan your time between November and March.

Between April and June, there is the Rose and Rose Festival. While hunting season outside of Iran coincides with the January holiday, this is happening in Iran from October 23 until February 19.

So, depending on the season and the areas you are considering, you need to have a specific plan for your trip.


The best time to travel to the touristy cities of Iran

Most parts of the country are in the most ideal weather conditions during the spring and autumn seasons, so much so that foreign tourists travel to Iran during this period.

Of course, the fact that Iran is a four-season can not be hidden and it is unfair to simply ignore this point, even some cities like Yasuj have a four-season climate and this feature gives a special effect to the beauties around the city.

The best time to travel to Iran - Isfahan

As you know, a beautiful city like Isfahan with its temperate climate, Zayandeh River and its historical monuments attracts many tourists every year to share culture and history.

The capital of culture and the cradle of Islamic civilization is witnessing hot summers and snowy and cold winters, so the weather has a great impact on the number of tourists visiting Isfahan.

Usually, the best time to visit Isfahan is the spring and autumn months, when the weather is cool and pleasant enough and does not prevent you from visiting the map of the world, the Six Thirty Bridges, the Forty Pillars and the Eighth Paradise.

Of course, the hot and cold seasons will be the best opportunity to visit Isfahan for those who prefer affordable travel.

The best time to travel to Iran - Shiraz

In the middle of spring, when the storm of Nowruz travels is dormant and there is still no news of the scorching heat of the summer months, the favorable weather once again tempts all tourists. Especially when spring brings its beauty and fresh fragrance to all cities of Iran. The charm of Shiraz reaches its peak in spring and takes on a heavenly image.

On the other hand, holding festivals such as the Balloon Festival, carpet exhibition, old photos and various shows in May make domestic and foreign tourists eager to visit this city. Of course, the beauties of Shiraz are not less than spring in autumn and the city becomes even more secluded than ever.

The best time to travel to Iran - Tehran

Visiting historic palaces and mansions, old streets, modern towers and buildings, and the pleasant nature of Tehran are tempting for domestic and foreign tourists, but the bustle of the city and the air pollution make many loved ones hesitate to travel to the capital. As more Nowruz holiday capitals travel to other cities, the city becomes more secluded and it is easier to visit the attractions.

On the other hand, Tehran is a four-season city due to its geographical location, and its north has cooler weather due to its proximity to the slopes of Alborz. Although the city has a pleasant spring weather, traveling to Tehran in the cold seasons is not suitable due to excessive air pollution.

The best time to travel to Iran - Tabriz and Ardabil

The heavenly climate of the cities of Tabriz and Ardabil sweetens the taste of the holidays in summer. Although the summers in Ardabil are much cooler, the historical attractions and museums of Tabriz are unrivaled. If you decide to travel to one of these two cities in late June, it is better to choose Tabriz and postpone your trip to Ardabil to warmer months. The bitter cold of these two cities in winter is like a nightmare for some, so even if you are tempted by the solitude of the city, change your mind. But if you love snow and snowmen, we must say that winter gives spectacular faces to Tabriz and Ardabil, and even in the city of Tabriz, a snowman festival is held.

The best time to travel to Iran - Mashhad

To go to Mashhad, you must have a good travel plan, because tourists go to this holy city in any season, even the hot and dry summer weather does not hinder the enthusiasm of these loved ones. For this trip, you should specify the purpose of your trip, if you want to have fun in this city, the best time to visit it is in the spring months, because the weather is so cool and pleasant that the aroma of spring flowers permeates the whole city. Mashhad has a different atmosphere during Ramadan, Muharram, Christmas and the death of Imam Reza (AS) and creates the best memories for those who have come to visit the shrine.

The best time to travel to Iran - Yazd

As you know, in recent years, by registering a part of the historical context of Yazd in the UNESCO cultural heritage, the fame of this city has gone beyond the borders of Iran, and considering that it is the first brick city in the world, it has fascinated many fans. Yazd's hot and exhausting summers are famous for all Iranians, which is why most tourists avoid summer trips to this city. The best time to enjoy the weather of Yazd is March, April and May, but do not forget that the price of accommodation in Yazd reaches its maximum during the Nowruz holiday. For desert hiking, you can choose the autumn season to travel to this city.

The best time to travel to Iran - Gilan and Mazandaran

It has long been a popular destination for Iranian tourists in the green and scenic region of the north, and the popularity of this region has not diminished. The scenic nature, the beach, the Caspian Sea, the dense forests and the delicious northern food are welcomed by the people throughout the year. Even the unbearable heat of summer does not prevent tourists from traveling, and in every season of the year we see a crowded population in the northern villas. Of course, the north of the country has cold and miserable winters and we recommend you to avoid traveling in this season.

The best time to travel to Iran - Kish and Qeshm

When this side of the country is drowned in snow and cold of winter, the free zones of Iran become a paradise with their mild weather. Tourist islands like Kish and Qeshm with their exciting pastimes and unique nature are the year It has been one of the most popular travel destinations in Iran for years. The humidity of the summer air of these islands and the torrential rains of autumn do not give you any pleasant experience of traveling to these islands, so it is better to consider winter and Nowruz to travel to Kish and Qeshm to enjoy the cool weather in autumn and winter. Choose your travel destination.





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