Is Iran Safe ?
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In general, Iran is much safer than many from the West might believe. Most people are genuinely friendly and interested to know about you and your country, so leave aside your preconceptions and come with an open mind.

Iran is still a relatively low-crime country, although thefts and muggings have been on the increase in recent years. Keep your wits about you, and take the usual precautions against pickpockets in crowded bazaars and buses.

Try not to travel in the southeastern area of Iran, meaning the provinces of Sistan and Baluchistan, and also to some degree Southern Khorasan province. However, Chahbahar which is close to the Pakistani border is a very calm and friendly city.

Ignore the media hype, your chances of facing anti-Western sentiment as a traveler are none. Even hardline Iranians make a clear distinction between the Western governments they distrust and individual travelers who visit their country.

There are a lot of military and other sensitive facilities in Iran. Photography near military and other government installations is strictly prohibited. Do not photograph any military object, jails, harbors, telecommunication devices, airports or other objects and facilities which you suspect are military in nature.

Iran is very safe and people will be prepared to help you with any difficulty – it would be a matter of national pride. 

The water is clean and the food is safe.

Iran Travel Restrictions: 

1. The tourists must be fully vaccinated(2 doses) to travel to Iran and present the vaccine card when entering.

Important Note:  at least two weeks must have passed since the last vaccine dose. 

2.  Fully vaccinated tourists need to present also a negative PCR test conducted within 96 hours to enter Iran. 

Is Iran safe now?

Iran is as safe as Turkey when it comes to security, according to a new interactive map showing the risk level around the world.

The Travel Risk Map, launched by global risk experts International SOS in collaboration with Control Risks, shows the danger level in each country and territory based on the current threat posed to travelers by political violence (including terrorism, insurgency, politically motivated unrest, and war), social unrest (including sectarian, communal and ethnic violence) and violent and petty crime.

Visiting Iran is financially affordable for most people around the world because of the value of the Iranian currency. But the question of safety in Iran has always been on the minds of tourists.

Due to the global political issues and negative media propaganda against Iran, there are many negative perspectives about Iran all over the world and many tourists forget the fact that all these arguments are between governments and not the people.

The 2019 Global Finance ranking has introduced the safest countries in the world by updating natural disaster rates, wars, and crime in countries. The ranking, which does not include Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, has identified the Philippines as the most insecure country in the world and has put Yemen at the forefront. Although Yemen is engaged in a devastating war and the Philippines is at peace, it has gained more points because of natural disasters in the Philippines than in Yemen.

Interestingly, in the rankings, the three Gulf States are in the top 30. Qatar ranks 7th, UAE 21st, and Oman 20th most secure in the world in terms of global finance.


Emergency services are extensive in Iran, and response times are very good compared to other local regions, 110 is the telephone number of the local Police control center, it is probably easiest to phone the local police as they are in direct contact with other emergency services, and will probably be the only number with English speaking operators.

Other Emergency Services are also available via 115 for Ambulances and 125 for the Fire and Rescue team (these numbers are frequently answered by the Ambulance or Fire crew, there is little guarantee these men or women would speak English). The international number 112 is available from cell phones, and will usually connect you to the Police. Iran has also "Iran Assistance" an insurance company specializing in international medical evacuation.

Stay healthy

Medical Facilities

Iran has state-of-the-art medical facilities in all its major cities. Apart from being up to date with your usual travel vaccinations, no special preparation is needed for travel to Iran.


Tap water is safe to drink in most of the country (and especially the cities), although you may find the chalkiness and taste a bit off-putting in some areas (mainly Qom, Yazd, Hormozgan, and Boushehr provinces). Bottled mineral water (āb Madani) is widely available. Also, on many streets and sites, public water fridges are installed to provide drinking water.


In general, Iranians are warm, friendly, and generous individuals with a strong interest in foreigners and other cultures. In dealing with Iranians.




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